
Studencie i Studentko UEK! Ciekawi Cię uczenie maszynowe? Chcesz poznać podstawy Deep Learningu? A może zastanawiasz się jak wygląda szkolenie prowadzone przez potentata w branży technologicznej? Jeśli na przynajmniej jedno z powyższych pytań odpowiedziałeś „tak”, to świetnie się składa!

Instytut Metod Ilościowych w Naukach Społecznych UEK

wraz z amerykańską firmą

Nvidia Corporation

zapraszają wszystkich zainteresowanych studentów na darmowe szkolenie pt.

 „Fundamentals of Deep Learning”.

Szkolenie odbędzie się online

w dniu 21 maja 2022 roku

 w godz. 8:00 – 12:00.

Aby uczestniczyć w wykładach konieczna jest


Uwaga! Liczba uczestników jest ograniczona do 40 osób.

Nvidia Corporation

is an American multinational technology company incorporated in Delaware and based in Santa Clara, California. It is a software and fabless company which designs graphics processing units (GPUs), application programming interface (APIs) for Data Science and High-performance computing as well as system on a chip units (SoCs) for the mobile computing and automotive market. NVIDIA is a global leader in Artificial Intelligence hardware & software from edge to cloud computing and expanded its presence in the gaming industry with its handheld game consoles Shield Portable, Shield Tablet, and Shield Android TV and its cloud gaming service GeForce Now. Its professional line of GPUs are used in workstations for applications in such fields as architecture, engineering and construction, media and entertainment, automotive, scientific research, and manufacturing design.

In addition to GPU manufacturing, Nvidia provides an API called CUDA that allows the creation of massively parallel programs which utilize GPUs. They are deployed in supercomputing sites around the world. More recently, it has moved into the mobile computing market, where it produces Tegra mobile processors for smartphones and tablets as well as vehicle navigation and entertainment systems.

Nvidia GPUs are used in deep learning, and accelerated analytics due to Nvidia’s API CUDA which allows programmers to utilize the higher number of cores present in GPUs to parallelize BLAS operations which are extensively used in machine learning algorithms. They were included in many Tesla vehicles before Elon Musk announced at Tesla Autonomy Day in 2019 that the company developed its own SoC and Full Self-Driving computer now and would stop using Nvidia hardware for their vehicles. These GPUs are used by researchers, laboratories, tech companies and enterprise companies. In 2009, Nvidia was involved in what was called the „big bang” of deep learning, „as deep-learning neural networks were combined with Nvidia graphics processing units (GPUs)”. That year, the Google Brain used Nvidia GPUs to create Deep Neural Networks capable of machine learning, where Andrew Ng determined that GPUs could increase the speed of deep-learning systems by about 100 times.

Prowadzący szkolenie

dr Paweł Morkisz

Deep Learning Algorithms Manager @ NVIDIA


Program szkolenia