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W imieniu firmy Verisk Analytics serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych na otwarty wykład pt. „Introduction to Property/Casualty Insurance Pricing by Verisk”, który odbędzie się na platformie MS Teams 14 maja o godzinie 12:30. We would like to invite you for P&C Insurance Pricing lecture organized by Verisk Analytics. You will meet with Marek (Pricing Data Manager), Jason (Senior Director, Operations), Magda and Aneta (Pricing Data Analysts), Kamila and Paulina (Talent Acquisition team members). We will start with introduction on Property and Casualty Insurance Pricing, then we will focus on real life Loss Development Excel and data sets examples. Next, we will dive into analysis with a use of Python. In the end, we will provide you with the information on our current job openings, followed up with the discussion on Verisk and projects we are working on. This event will take place on 14th of May at 12:30 PM.
Link do spotkania w aplikacji MS Teams
Aneta Kołodziej (Wiceprezes ds. finansów Koła Naukowego Analizy Danych UEK) |